program fredag 10 nov
08.00 - 08.30 Registration
08.30 - 08.40 2011: Smoking and spinal stenosis (Bengt Sandén)
08.40 - 08.50 2013: Obesity and spinal stenosis (Björn Knutsson)
08.50 - 09.00 2019: Interpretability of score changes
(Catharina Parai)
09.00 - 09.10 2017: Total hip replacement and spine surgery
(Ted Eneqvist)
09.10 - 09.20 DISCUSSION
09.20 - 09.30 2011: Disc replacement vs lumbar fusion (Svante Berg)
09.30 - 09.40 2016: Lumbar fusion vs decompression only
(Peter Försth)
09.40 - 09.50 2017: Disc replacement vs cervical fusion
(Martin Skeppholm)
09.50 - 10.00 2022: Cervical fusion vs decompression only
(Anna MacDowall)
09.50 - 10.00 DISCUSSION
10.10 - 10.30 COFFE
Scientific symposia
10.30 - 10.35 Introduction
Anders Joelson
10.35 - 10.50 Cervical Foraminal Changes in Patients with
Intermittent Arm Radiculopathy Studied with a New
MRI-Compatible Compression Device.
John Hutchins
10.50 - 11.05 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Thoracolumbar Spinal
Fractures in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Lukas Bobinski
11.05 - 11.20 Spinal Surgery and the Risk of Reoperation after Total
Hip Arthroplasty.
Ted Eneqvist
11.20 - 11.35 Clinical and morphological aspects of metastatic
spinal cord compression.
Johan Wänman
11.35 - 11.50 The effect of minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion compared with sham operation: A prospective double- blinded multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Paul Gerdhem
11.50 - 12.00 Concluding remarks.
Anders Joelson
12.00 - 12.45 Annual meeting
12.45 - 13.45 LUNCH
13.45 - 14.00 Announcement best presentation award and 4S
14.00 - 14.30 Board meeting (board members only)
Bengt Sandén Med.dr, docent
Björn Knutsson Med.dr, docent
Catharina Parai Med.dr
Ted Eneqvist Med.dr
Svante Berg Med.dr, docent
Peter Försth Med.dr
Martin Skeppholm Med.dr
Anna MacDowall Med.dr, docent